TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Welding Hand Protection

The plus-size TIG Finger XL Heat Shield protects your hands and fingers from hot surfaces while you weld. Order online at PrimeWeld.

TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Welding Hand Protection

The plus-size TIG Finger XL Heat Shield protects your hands and fingers from hot surfaces while you weld. Order online at PrimeWeld.


  • Overview

Overview plus


The TIG Finger XL Heat Shield offers more than 60% more hand protection compared to the original TIG Finger Heat Shield. That means more protective area to guard your hands from making contact with hot surfaces while you weld. 

While the original TIG Finger Heat Shield still has its uses, the TIG Finger XL is best for flat surfaces. It can fit over two fingers which has a nice, comfortable feel during your weld.

If you're interested in the TIG Finger XL Heat Shield, but don't already have the original TIG Finger Heat Shield, we recommend our TIG Finger Heat Shield Bundle, which gives you both sizes in one convenient package.

TIG Finger® Heat Shield is 100% Asbestos free and 100% hand-made right here in the USA.



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