TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle

TIG Finger and TIG Finger XL Heat Shield Bundle
This bundle includes both the TIG Finger® Original Heat Shield and the new TIG Finger® XL Heat Shield models. This gives you two options for protective area while you weld. The TIG Finger Original Heat Shield is smaller and can be more maneuverable in tight or narrow spaces. The TIG Finger XL is about 60% larger than the original, for a larger area of protection. The TIG Finger XL is more suitable for wider, flatter surfaces.
Choose the protection that is right for your hands and for the weld you need to accomplish! Stop burning the tips of your fingers off and trust in the protection that TIG Finger® offers!
TIG Finger® Heat Shield is 100% Asbestos free and 100% hand-made right here in the USA.
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