2% Thoriated Tungsten Electrode (Red,WT20) TIG Welding Electrode

The red thoriated type electrode are long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. Order online at PrimeWeld.

2% Thoriated Tungsten Electrode (Red,WT20) TIG Welding Electrode

The red thoriated type electrode are long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. Order online at PrimeWeld.


  • Overview

Overview plus

The red thoriated type is America’s favorite electrode for a reason. Extremely long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. These red electrodes are best for copper alloys, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, and non-corroding steel.

This tungsten is used primarily in DC welding. It has a low work function and provides a high load and amperage capability.

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